Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Interview Robert Pattinson with séries fan magazine (France)

New Robert Pattinson Interview From Séries Fan Magazine(France).
Rob talks about "Water For Elephants" and working with Reese

Robert Pattinson
Elephants and Women

On the 20th April we will see Robert in cinemas with Reese Witherspoon in Francis Lawrence's "Water For Elephants". The movie was shot last July.

You seem to be very close to Reese Witherspoon...?

I've learned a lot thanks to her, she's very patient and she's a huge actress, she's got much more experience than me so it's normal that I took time to listen to her. Without her patience filming wouldn't have gone as well! We laughed a lot, Reese has a great sense of humour, the atmosphere was serious but also relaxed. We stayed friends and we see each other sometimes. It's a very important meeting in my career. Apparently she was already a fan of the Twilight Saga so she didn't have negative thinking about my job. I hope we'll work together again soon.

It even appears that you were very close on the set...

Rumors again, press always thinks that I'm dating every actress I'm acting with. If I seduce every girl everytime I make a movie I won't have lots of girl friends. (laughs). I think that with "Water for Elephants" it's because of the love story, it shows that we are credible! Now that we shoot again for Twilight nobody will talk anymore about a relationship with Reese. You'll see it will be the same things with another movie. I'm much more wise than people think. It's the Edward Cullen effect. (Kate: And the Pattinson Effect ? LOL)

It seems that you're more at ease with elephants than with women?

Laughs. That's not exactly the situation! Actually I've done a photoshoot for Details Magazine with several naked women, during 12 hours. For many boys it could be seen as a dream come true but it was very embarrassing! Whereas elephants are really something else, for the movie we were with elephants, and one of them picked me up with its trunk, it was the most magical thing that has happened to me! But I don't get the link between elephants and naked women. It's not very gentlemanly! Elephants are a child dream, and girls are just something else.
@CrazyStewFrance via GossipDance and ROBsessed™

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